Commedia Dell'arte is closely based on the audience and response from the audience. So the performance space needed is one that is close to the audience. A proscenium style theater would not be the ideal venue for a performance like
Servant of Two Masters. Instead, a thrust or arena seating would bring the actors close to the audience and enhance the interactions. This play breaks the "fourth wall" constantly and in doing so engages the audience as part of the show. As a result, the actors are not the only people propelling the show forward. Being able to walk through the audience, sit on audience members, and essentially use the seating as a continuation of the stage would be a great asset to the performance as a whole. This type of theater requires a lot of slap stick, cheap humor, and audiences love to be involved in something funny. It is the actors job to give the audience there money worth, so obviously the happy medium would be to present something funny and allow the audience to partake in the humor making them feel satisfied in both ways.
Work Cited:
Google Images Search: "diagrams of arena/thrust seating"
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